Identity Theft Protection AND Restoration with ID TheftSmart™.
What is it?
We safeguard your identity and actively help you fight back if it's ever stolen.
Restore Your Credit, Regain Your Peace of Mind
Some companies' idea of restoration amounts to handing you a do-it-yourself kit. Not with ID TheftSmart™. We provide full-service restoration, which means our experienced, licensed investigators do the bulk of the work on your behalf. And since your case will be assigned to a dedicated investigator, you won’t have to explain your situation over and over again.
Correct More than Just Your Credit
Identity theft impacts more than just your credit — it can affect your driving record, employment history, criminal record and more. Your professional licensed investigator will perform non-credit-related searches and will work diligently to resolve disputes with local and national agencies and institutions such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, Social Security Administration, law enforcement personnel and more to restore your name to pre-event status.
Monitor Your Credit 24/7
You'll be promptly notified by email if your credit file shows certain credit activity commonly associated with identity theft, such as applying for a new credit card or loan, a change of address, etc. If the transaction isn't one you initiated, simply call ID TheftSmart toll-free and we'll immediately put you in touch with a licensed investigator to find out what’s happening and correct the problem. We'll even send you "no activity" notices when there's been no activity in your credit file, so you always know your credit is closely monitored.
ID TheftSmart™ FAQ
What is ID TheftSmart™?
ID TheftSmart provides unlimited consultation and comprehensive identity restoration in addition to continuous credit monitoring to safeguard your identity.
Does ID TheftSmart™ Prevent Identity Theft?
No identity theft program or service can guarantee you'll never be a victim of identity theft. What ID TheftSmart can deliver is continuous credit monitoring that alerts you as soon as there is questionable credit activity in your name, such as applying for a new credit card or loan, a change of address, etc. The earlier you discover suspicious activity, the less damage the identity thief can do.
How do I Know if I'm a Victim of Identity Theft?
The truth is, without continuous monitoring and vigilance, it's not always easy to tell. In many instances, it can be years before people realize their identity has been stolen. The best way to learn of identity theft is to monitor your financial records and make sure they're accurate. Obtaining updated credit reports and credit scores is also important. Unfortunately, today’s hectic schedules mean most people don’t invest the time to do this on a regular basis.
Why Would I Want to Become an ID TheftSmart™ Member?
In the past year alone, more than 15 million Americans were victims of identity theft. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly one-third of identity theft victims spent a month or more resolving related issues; more than one-third reported moderate or severe emotional distress as a result of identity theft. Attempting to resolve identity fraud issues on your own can be complicated and overwhelming, and it's hard to know ALL the steps you need to take.
ID TheftSmart provides full-service identity restoration in the event your identity is ever stolen. While others may hand you a do-it-yourself kit with phone numbers or information on how to issue a fraud alert, our licensed investigators do the bulk of the work for you, saving you countless hours of time and frustration — not to mention keeping your out-of-pocket costs to a minimum.
How Do They Use the Personal Information They Steal?
In most cases, the goal of identity theft is financial gain. It’s common for an identity thief to call a credit card company and ask that the mailing address be changed. They run up charges on the account, and then have the bill sent to another address so you don't know it's happening. Another tactic is to take out a loan or open a new credit card or bank account using your name, date of birth, and Social Security number. In such cases, creditors think they’re dealing with you.
Still others may use your identity to gain employment, file for fraudulent health benefits or a tax refund, or commit other types of criminal activity.
How Long Does Identity Restoration Take?
Identity restoration can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more, depending on how extensive the identity fraud is and how in-depth our investigators must go to get it corrected. Your case isn't closed until your restoration is complete to your satisfaction and we receive verification that your issue is resolved.
How Do I Enroll in ID TheftSmart™?
Becoming an ID TheftSmart member is easy. Please contact us to learn more and begin the enrollment process. Be sure to ask us about our FREE 90-Day trial!
To learn more about ID TheftSmart™ or to enroll, please contact one of our Personal Bankers. Be sure to ask about our FREE 90-day offer!