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Mobile Check Deposit

With the CBO Mobile App, Depositing Checks is a Snap

Here's an easy way to put some free time back in your day: use your phone to deposit checks into your Community Bank Owatonna accounts.

Mobile Deposit allows customers enrolled in Mobile Banking to make deposits directly into their checking or savings account using the CBO Mobile app. It’s as simple as submitting photos of the front and back of your endorsed check for deposit.

Learn more about CBO's Mobile Check Deposit

Get Started

In the CBO Mobile app, select “Deposit” and then complete the registration as prompted. You can download the app at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Apple App store Google Play app store


Is Mobile Deposit secure?

Yes! We use advanced encryption and security technology:

  • Online banking credentials are not stored on your mobile device.
  • Check images are not stored on your mobile device.
  • 256-bit encryption masks your sensitive information.

Are there any fees associated with using mobile deposit?

Community Bank Owatonna does not charge any fees for using Mobile Deposit. However, fees may apply for data serviced from your wireless provider.

How do I enroll in Mobile Deposit?

In the CBO Mobile app, select “Deposit” and then complete the registration as prompted.

How do I obtain the CBO Mobile App for my Apple or Android device?

The Community Bank Owatonna app is free to download from the Apple App Store on an Apple device or the Play Store on your Android mobile device.

Who is eligible to use Mobile Deposit?

The Mobile Deposit service is available to consumer and small business customers.

When can mobile deposits be submitted?

Deposits can be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any deposits made outside of the bank’s business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or on holidays will be suspended until the following business day.

When will my deposit be available?

Mobile deposits received prior to 5:00 p.m. (CT) are processed on the same business day. The deposit is available after you receive notification that the deposit was accepted.

Mobile deposits received after 5:00 p.m. (CT) or on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays when the bank is closed will be processed on the next business day. The deposit is available after you receive notification that the deposit was accepted.

How do I deposit a check?

  1. Log into the CBO Mobile app.
  2. From the Dashboard, click on the “Deposit” icon.
  3. No deposit slip is needed.
  4. Enter the amount of the deposit.
  5. Choose the account you would like to deposit the funds into.
  6. Take a picture of the front of the check.
  7. Endorse the back of the check:
    • You must legibly sign the back of the check.
    • Write “For Mobile Deposit Only.”
    • Write the account number that the check is being deposited into.
  8. Take a picture of the back of the check.

How can I take a good picture of my check?

  • Use an area that is well lit.
  • Place the check on a dark surface.
  • Make sure that there are no folded corners.
  • Keep your hands clear of the check.
  • Make sure all four corners of the check are visible, and use the guide built into the app to help you line up the picture.
  • Position the camera directly above the check.
  • Do not use the camera zoom feature.

Why was my mobile deposit rejected?

You likely did not endorse the check correctly.  Please endorse the following way:

  • You must legibly sign the back of the check.
  • Write “For Mobile Deposit Only.”
  • Write the account number that the check is being deposited into.

Why was my mobile deposit suspended?

Here are some possible reasons:

  • The amount exceeded your daily deposit limit of $5,000.00.
  • The amount exceeded your daily item limit of $2,500.00.
  • Your deposit exceeded the daily number of deposits limit of five (5).

These limits are for consumer accounts. Please see a Personal Banker for limits for small business customers.

What items are not eligible for Mobile Deposit?

  • Checks that exceed the daily limit
  • Checks drawn on banks located outside the U.S. (i.e. foreign items)
  • Checks made payable to a person that is not an owner on the account
  • Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees
  • Checks made payable to a business being deposited into a personal account
  • Checks requiring verification, such as loan acceptance checks
  • Traveler’s checks
  • Checks that have been previously returned unpaid by the financial institution on which they are drawn, including substitute and remotely created checks
  • Checks that have been previously submitted through the CBO Mobile app or any other remote deposit capture service offered at any other financial institution
  • Checks suspected as being fraudulent
  • Checks dated more than six (6) months prior to date of deposit
  • Postdated checks
  • Checks or items containing any alteration or missing information in any field on the front of the check, including the MICR line
  • Checks that are in any way incomplete
  • Cash

What do I do with the check after I deposit it through Mobile Deposit?

Once you verify that the funds have been applied to your account correctly, safely secure the check and then shred the check after fifteen (15) business days.

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