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Mobile Bill Pay

Go Ahead and Phone It in

Community Bank Owatonna’s Mobile Bill Pay combines savings, security and simplicity. By using your mobile device to pay your bills online, you save money on stamps, protect against check fraud and can track your payments history at a glance.

Use Bill Pay to send payments to any person, company or organization from your Community Bank Owatonna personal checking account.

Mobile Bill Pay lets you:

  • View and pay your bills electronically
  • Make secure payments to any person or company anywhere, anytime
  • Verify your account balance as you pay your bills
  • Set up recurring payments to save time each month
  • Receive email or text reminders when bills are due
  • Pay other people

Bill Pay is simple, convenient, fast and free!

Learn more about CBO's Mobile Bill Pay

Get Started

You must be enrolled in Online Bill Pay before you can use Mobile Bill Pay. You can then enable Mobile Bill Pay through our app, available at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Apple App store Google Play app store


What is Bill Pay?

Bill Pay is a service that allows you to pay virtually anyone or any company through your online banking account. You determine whom you want to pay, when you want to make the payment and which account you want the payment to come from.

Whom can I pay with Bill Pay?

You can pay virtually any business or individual with a mailing address within the United States and Puerto Rico. For example, you can pay utilities, cable bills, or credit cards as well as individuals like a landlord, babysitter or relative.

How are online payments delivered?

Payments are sent one of two ways — electronically or by paper checks. The majority of payments are delivered electronically. Your payment information, such as your account number, is sent via a secure transmission. All other payments are made by paper checks that are mailed via the U.S. Postal Service.

How much is Bill Pay?

There is no charge for using Bill Pay. If you choose rush delivery, fees will be disclosed to you at the time you schedule the payment.

Are there any technical requirements to use the app?

In order to use the CBO Mobile app, you must have an Apple iPhone® with iOS 10.0 or above or a phone with Android™ 5.0 or above.

Whom do I contact with Bill Pay questions?

During business hours, please call CBO Operations at 507-455-2265, or you may call Bill Pay Customer Support at 844-375-5384.

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